Either I'm creating something of a following (??), or I'm getting regular visits from Marketing Bots. I'm inclined to think the latter.
I find it interesting--if not a tad bit concerning--that a sizeable flow of traffic recently came from the former USSR. One Blogger function shows a World map of countries with most blog visitors. Up until now its been almost exclusively the US, Canada, and France (France?) lighting up in dark green, but Russia is starting to light up in light green which perks my interest.
Ваше здоровье! – [vashee zda-ró-vye] – Your health! (Russian Drinking Toast)
So they tell me one way to expand your blog is to offer PRIZES! So here you go! The first three people to Comment below will receive a PRIZE! Not to mention a rise in serotonin levels knowing you've helped this Novice Blogger nail down IF all this Traffic is from real flesh-and-blood humans!