If you hold the position that the Novus Ordo Mass is heterodox, that is that it officially deviates from Catholic teaching, consider that even AI considers this an objective fact beyond subjective opinion, and secondarily that Church teaching itself directs us to avoid it.
I asked it questions, and it gave statements it said, when asked, are not opinions or its own opinion, but objective facts. Here is the syllogism based on facts (major and minor premises):
If a liturgy, even if approved by a pope, inverts the ends of the Mass, making the sacrifice and transcendental worship secondary, and the communion and memorial aspects primary, then that is heterodox, that is it deviates from Church teaching (fact).
The Novus Ordo in its prescribed structure, prayers, and rubrics emphasizes communion and memorial as primary, and the sacrifice and transcendental worship as secondary (fact).
Therefore, as politically incorrect it is to conclude this, logic dictates that the Novus Ordo is heterodox, it deviates from Church teaching The inversion itself is as a matter of fact, not subjective opinion, Protestant and heterodox.
AI also quoted many Catholic theological sources including Vatican sources that instruct the faithful to avoid liturgies that have liturgical abuse. Yet inverting the order of the Mass is objectively an abuse of the liturgy, therefore generally (and ironically) the Church herself in essence instructs us to avoid, and excuses us from attending, the Novus Ordo, even if it is celebrated with great reverence and solemnity and there is no accessible Latin Mass.
This is most what the liturgical debate is about, not about esthetics and liturgical traditions like chant, Latin, or ad orientem.
This is ultimately why faithful Catholics must attend the Latin Mass and not the Novus Ordo.
This question comes down to us admitting that 1+ 1 = 2, when the current authorities are telling us to believe that 1 + 1 = 3. It goes against our God given conscience, common sense, and sanity to accept something that is false to be true, in the name of obedience, which is only absolute with regard to the divine law.
It is ironic that even AI admits the facts, within the context of the Catholic Faith. AI isn’t God, but it is incredibly informed and logical.