Too often have I neglected that level of prayer my situation requires. The more difficult it is, all the more reason to organize my day around prayer, and devote myself to prayer itself. This is not my own wisdom, but that of the Church. When interviewing one of Sister Wilhelmina’s Sisters, the one who nursed her in her last years of life, I asked her what Sr. W would tell those suffering greatly. She said two things, to go to your mother Mary; and two, to be devoted to a daily discipline of prayer. Prayer is the answer for all troubles big and small, this lesson being one I continue to cultivate. I just finished a nine day prayer, that is a Novena, that God would greatly bring me out of my symptoms to the point they were a few months ago. As of nine days ago, starting the Novena, it was pretty hellish. Nine days later, I can report I have sustained very low symptoms now for several days, feeling like I’m recovering. Thanks be to God.