I’m not a prophet. Unfortunately. That divine gift would come in handy for driving up blog stats. But finally, looking at my New Years predictions from last year, I am no more a prophet than my three year old dog Lizzy.
Pope Francis did not approve of female deacons, or totally ban the TLM. World War III has not broken out. And the world continues as it is, yet to collapse.
In hindsight, my frame of mind was, and had been for some time, apocalyptic, conspiratorial, and very cynical. This is not to say these things will not come to pass, but rather that if I am any wiser a year later, it is to be less apocalyptic, conspiratorial, and cynical, but more centered on the gift of the Present, fact based, and optimistic about this side of the grave.
Though I do still think it appears we are in the End Times, that much truth is derived from conspiracy theories, and the fact we are in a second dark age is itself cause for some cynicism. It is all a matter of degree, and for me, the gauntlet my life has put me through the past year and a half has opened my eyes.
What matters more than any critical headline or subject matter circulating through the ecclesiastical and secular news cycles, for click bait, at least what matters one year later more to me is the eternal now of living each day for the good, the true, and the beautiful. Not focusing on the past, or the future, or what’s off to the side in different directions, but focusing on what’s right out in the front.
That was actually one of several miraculous communications I received from God recently. I had driven out of my mom’s neighborhood, and saw three fox puppies standing together on the side of the road in broad daylight, in hindsight seeming to be a sign of God’s presence as the Holy Trinity. A couple weeks later a fox ran across the road in her neighborhood across my path, having only seen a fox before a few times in my life. And I do believe God communicates through signs in nature, and through culture.
Here in Oklahoma, the traditional culture is Native American. And according to Native American tradition, a fox crossing your path signifies God communicating through the fox like a divine messenger that you should stop focusing on the past, because doing so has deceived you, but rather by focusing on just what is in front of you, you receive clarity of mind and wisdom. Learning that hit home for me. In the Scriptures, the fox is a symbol of wisdom.