Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Focus on Francis is a Mistake

Yes, the papacy is central to upholding the Faith and ending the Crisis.  Archbishop Vigano, Bishop Gracida, et al make reasonable arguments Bergoglio was not validly elected, that should be a fair discussion. And Francis is arguably the worst pope in Church history.  What he is doing cries out to God for His vengeance. And one day a reckoning will come for the modernists continuously scandalizing the Church. 

But focus on the person of Francis and his particular errors and scandals is the wrong focus.  Our Lord has is focus on God, the Faith itself, the beauty of the Church, and sanctification. 

Make the distinction between the current conciliar pope and the new religion of modernism/liberalism that has invaded the Church. Attention about the Crisis should be on the whole, the errors of this new religion, contrasted to pre-conciliar papal teaching and tradition. The rest is income-driven clickbait.