He met with all or most of the Irish bishops to discuss how to implement the same sex blessing document, a priest who has said homosexual acts are not sinful. This confirms the interpretation some bishops will take a liberal approach to the document permitted by Rome. We can expect soon public blessing events in the parish church, in liberal dioceses (that would then seem to be most dioceses) as long as it’s not directly in front of the altar or wearing wedding garb. Fernandez confirmed the couple itself is blessed, and may be planned and inside the church. This would be affirming the relationship, if not the sexual act itself. The Vatican knows Martin counseled an entire country’s bishops on this, that he holds a heretical view on homosexuality, but is not and certainly will continue not to discipline him. The faithful bishops will take an orthodox approach to the document either not implementing it or allowing only blessing of the individual and discreetly. Kyrie eleison.