To be masculine is to govern, to have authority over, to lead, to teach, to transmit life. To be feminine is to submit, to be led, to listen, to receive life.
Christ established the Church as both masculine and feminine. The masculine aspect is the hierarchy, the pope, bishops, priests, and deacons, who are by nature males, and masculine, because their commission is to govern, lead, teach, and give the sacraments. The feminine aspect are the laity called to follow the hierarchy, learn the Faith, receive the sacraments, and for most to marry and raise families.
But the modernists want this inverted. They want to decentralize the Church and reduce down the hierarchy to the point the laity share equally in its authority and ministry, or even are the true authority and ministers, which would be a false schismatic Church different than the one Christ instituted.
Pope Francis in November, per Vatican News, called on the Church to convert, to become more feminine, to demasculinize. He also recently stated the issue of female deacons is an open question, which was taken up by the synod.
They are planning on non ordained female deacons. Expect it to come soon. They, the modernists, know they can’t ordain them to Holy Orders, but will want to bless them, give them the authority to govern, lead, preach, baptize, marry, assist at the altar, run Vatican offices, and elect the pope.
But that isn’t being feminine, or demasculinizing the Church , or making it more democratic. That is taking disordered women suffering from gender dysphoria, who are acting like men, and giving them the role of acting like a man. If the authorities in the Church literally do this, giving them ministerial authority that effectively is the same as a deacon, priest, or bishop, that up until now is reserved only for males, then not only do the authorities in the Church risk putting power into the hands of leftist feminists, making us subject to them, they risk schism.
To me this danger is even greater to the integrity of the Church than communion for the divorced and remarried, or blessing homosexual couples. It would signal a heretical inversion of the divine, hierarchical nature of the Church. Even if the female deacons are only blessed and not ordained, or restricted from certain actions such as giving sacramental blessings that require Holy Orders (ex: blessing a rosary to make it a holy object).
The hierarchical Church is by nature masculine, as Christ instituted it. We must remain faithful to that truth. A non ordained female deacon would have no authority to be a minister, to govern, lead, teach, preach, or oversee the sacraments. We would have to resist that as an error if not a heresy. At most non female deaconesses could have a place of feminine service in the Church as was done in the early Church under that title.