Right after Christmas within just a couple days my symptoms greatly resolved, the fatigue, muscle and deep nerve pain in my arms and legs, weakness, etc. A couple weeks later the remaining burning nerve pain in my lower legs was gone for a week, but came back after I used the sauna at the gym, and from the cold last week.
It itself had been gone for over two months from mid September to the end of November. Saw a neurologist who said he didn’t know the cause, but didn’t suspect any neurological disease which itself is a blessing.
He even thought from my tests and history that the nerve pain isn’t from actual nerve damage but inflammation. Recovery is still having its ups and downs.
To review, I got a very bad GI illness last Spring needing to quit my job, losing my health insurance, sick for several months, then going through several major stressful events in a short period of time, including our one car getting stolen, and then within a day I broke out in intense nerve and muscle pain down both arms and legs, then had balance and walking problems, extreme fatigue, brain fog, becoming barely able to function in that state. I also got a very intense painful condition of rosacea in my face for the first time, lasting itself two months.
In the Fall thankfully the burning surface level nerve pain disappeared, but I had major sinus infections from the extreme stress of my state resulting in the virus spreading to my face causing Bell’s palsy, one side of my face drooping, thankfully clearing up after a couple weeks.
But the higher level of already extreme stress that caused including my whole body still in pain and weakness, I think brought back the surface nerve pain in my legs, which has been showing signs of going away. My focus is on diet, weight loss, daily gym routine including swimming, stress management, and of course prayer. I also just finished two months of PT.
At the moment I’m coming out of a pain flare up the last couple weeks, but the fact there were many days I felt almost no pain anywhere, and normal energy, sustains my hope in recovery. It may still take some time but I place my future in God’s hands, the Divine Physician, and offer my cross in reparation for my sins. It’s better to suffer in this life than in the next.
I ask you please to add my recovery to your daily prayer intentions.