He says the Novus Ordo, is into the Charismatic Movement, and in my opinion was wrong in his analysis of the homosexual blessing document. That said, I think he’s great to watch on YouTube.
He is very sympathetic to traditional Catholics and the traditional Mass, seems very aware there is modernism coming out of the Vatican, and is very conservative. I like his love of the outdoors, daily walks, and building his own get away retreat hermitage in the woods. The altar in that hermitage’s chapel is placed against the wall to say Mass ad orientem.
And I don’t expect every priest to act just like an SSPX or FSSP priest. After all, the FSSP is based on the SSPX which is based on the Holy Ghost Fathers. Traditionally priests from different orders had different styles. So I appreciate his very evangelical, zealous personality reflecting his charism.
Fr. Goring speaks about a lot of topics in a very engaging, practical, concrete kind of way, and his attitude is very focused on the truth and holiness. He is a reminder that despite the modernism of the “conciliar church,” ie a false presentation of the Church widespread inside the Church, there are still good, edifying priests in the “mainstream.” And I couldn’t help but like a priest who built his own cabin, and for fun does solo swims for miles down actual rivers.
Check him out on YouTube. Fr. Mark Goring.