Sunday, September 10, 2023

My Thoughts on Oliver Anthony’s New Hit Song

62 million views in a month is verifiable evidence the song and style hit home for many people. Here is the song:

Here is why I think it resonated so well.  He was digging deep into human nature, into the depths of the universal human soul, and the misery it feels over oppression from the powers that be.  

He was being a Vox Populi, a Voice of the People, crying out in the desert for divine justice. And it was stripped of glamor, self-interest, and refinement. It was a pure salt of the earth song, not meant to impress, but to stir the heart.  

He is, he admits publicly, not a polished musical artist with a sweet, smooth voice. His lyrics themselves are plain. His voice is scratchy and a bit rough.  But that itself is part of the genius of this song, because that style reaches across a landscape of people and speaks to the heart. 

Those he targets with his lyrics are the politicians, but also the corporate elites who own the politicians, so they, the Swamp, are one deep state formed by the elites ruling both political parties.  

So many left and right have been moved by this song, because he is identifying a common enemy. An enemy to freedom, liberty, the common man, common life and decency. 

For me though, as a southerner, his red neck, southern, county, devoutly Christian style reminds me that wisdom comes much more often from simple, unpolished men of faith, drawing from nature itself, and all the nitty gritty and earthy elements of life, than lettered men ruling the world from their urban perches.  And that itself is a useful approach drawing people, especially more from the secular left, to view reality from the view of religious faith and God, his entire musical work referencing the Bible.  

So for at least a few minutes anyway listening to this song, it is as if all people listening of all different stripes and backgrounds, are gathered around this one random guy on YouTube, out in nature with his dogs, drawing from the depths of human nature and human pain, and Holy Scripture, ultimately crying out to God against oppression, and for the yearning of the human heart for justice and fairness, and therefore happiness. 

My two cents.