Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Warning about Hell

There is a priest from India who once died, was shown hell, purgatory, and heaven, and then was brought back to life to give us a warning.   That eternal hell exists. 

A drunk truck driver hit him on a motorcycle, breaking his legs with many other injuries.  He died at the hospital and could see his soul leave his body, then saw for the first time his guardian angel, who showed him hell.  His description is horrifying, especially the fact it is eternal. 

God does not send us to hell.  Each damned person does that to himself.  Just one unrepented mortal sin merits eternal torment.  

Purgatory was a place of great suffering, sadness, and fire, but souls were at peace and full of hope knowing they eventually would go to heaven. 

Heaven was pure bliss, a paradise, and Christ was radiant beyond our imagination. 

Then the priest returned to his crippled body.  After months of rehab, one day he heard a spiritual voice telling him to stand and be healed, and he did.  The Hindu doctor was so amazed by the miracle he converted to Catholicism.  God sent the priest back into the world to give healing retreats.  And to warn people hell is real and forever. 

Listening to this got me to listen to other similar accounts, by two other priests and one Protestant pastor.  The accounts of heaven and hell were remarkably similar. 

And what was so similar was how deeply sober was their warning that hell exists and is eternal.  It is nearly terrifying to listen to their accounts except for faith in God preventing real terror.  

But friends we must be afraid that at any moment we can die with no other chances, and that it can mean eternal damnation.  

The Saints after all contemplated daily the “Four Last Things,” ie 1) Death, 2) Judgment, 3) Heaven, or 4) Hell.   Doing that helped them become Saints. 

When I look at my life, my past, and think of hell, I will confess I am afraid for my soul.  I think I’ve made good, regular confessions and led a good Catholic, Christian life, but when I look at the raw reality of my life, of my past sins, I fear God’s judgment. 

At the same time I turn to Him always for His Mercy, and the grace of hope, to resist all temptation to despair.  That seems to be how the evil one pulls most people into grave sin, especially those with certain temperaments.

The Bible says the path to heaven is straight and narrow, and the path to hell wide.  And a good man who is close to God can still commit just one singular grave sin and damn his soul.   Every day is a spiritual battle with ourselves, to rise above sin, and embrace our cross.  

Go to YouTube and put in “priest dies and sees hell,” then look for the testimony of the Indian priest.  As much as hell is a place of despair, the fact God brought this priest back to life and healed him, to bring us his warning, that itself is a cause of hope.   Hope that by persevering in Christ until we die, we will be in the end saved. 

Lord have mercy on us. 

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