Sunday, May 28, 2023

My Thoughts on AI

I think this escalating trend to develop AI is diabolical.  God-like supercomputers to run everything and build a better world, or ruin it.  Elon Musk brain chips to make us into superior trans-humans, while treating dementia and Alzheimer’s. 

Future warfare being decided by AI super computer chips installed into drones, acting autonomously.

I’m pinching myself that all of this is real.  I remember hearing about the idea of artificial intelligence as a kid and it sounded like pure science fiction, but decades later here it is. 

Those promoting this, and buying into it, are willing to set aside how nefarious and destructive it is long term, because in the short term it helps solve a lot of problems and make life easier.  Ease and problem-solving being the values driving modern ethics, more than the natural law or moral absolutes. Or wisdom. 

I had to contact customer service online the other day, and their written responses seemed all programmed.  At first I was thinking I was talking to a real person. Yet how much communication online is real?  I read recently something like 50% of communications received online are computer-generated by bots.

How do we protest AI, considering it is taking over everything, short of living like the Amish using primitive tools?  You can’t boycott companies who use it like you can ones who give money to Planned Parenthood, since it is becoming universal.  

I think the aspect of AI we can resist is the philosophy of transhumanism. Everything in culture that sends the message that human nature as God created it is not good enough should be rejected.  From excessive use of make up and vane cosmetic surgeries,  to the whole value system common today that a person is measured in terms of worldly accomplishments.  That is mammon.   

We look up to a man who is fit, well off, successful in his career, well dressed, married with kids, who owns a nice house and nice cars.  That set of values is the common measure of a man, not how meek and humble he is, responsible, law abiding, God-fearing, church going, faithful to God, living the commandments.  Charitable. 

When the latter is how society values a true human being traditionally, then the new ethic is an evolution beyond the old value of human nature into a new value.  That already meets the definition of trans-humanism.  

All the plans for brain chips synced to virtual and augmented reality, to amplify human intelligence, to create God-like computers, and ultimately to make man into God through technology, all of that follows this secularist, materialist new ethic of what it means to be a human being with the collapse of a religion-centered society since circa the 1950’s.

It’s not going to change barring divine intervention. It’s a non stop train. As much as I want to see the goodness in man, to use AI for righteous purposes, I can’t deny that evil will keep leading us down this road of a godless technological revolution.  

All the more reason to step back from the world, that is the city of man, and embrace the city of God instead to save our souls.  Christians know that true transhumanism is the transformation of human nature by Christ, from the basic human nature which God gave us at birth, to a supernatural new nature in baptism. The saints in heaven have perfect knowledge, more than any AI supercomputer that will ever be designed.  Sharing the very divine life of God, their perfection is greater than anything man can dream up or give.   Including Elon Musk. 

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