Sunday, April 9, 2023

Happy Easter

Happy Easter.  We made it to the finish line. Time to feast on ham and proclaim the Lord is risen.  And that Spring has arrived.  Back to hiking, camping, fishing, backyard fires in the fire pit, and BBQs.  Time to come out of hibernation and embrace the warmth of the Sun.  Life is a paradox, because it is through suffering and coming to terms with our own mortality, symbolized by the cold of winter, that we yet find the vitality of the gift of Life.

No work yesterday, we did what in my wife’s home country is called the Seven Church devotion visiting seven churches back to back during Holy Week, then the Good Friday liturgy, then watched The Passion of the Christ after dinner.  

Modern, secularist man is in darkness grasping for a ray of Light, chasing the proverbial pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, always eagerly waiting for some unknown mysterious thing ti give him life.

Yet we Christians know what the constant, sustaining, and eternal Light is, that gives us life both in this life and beyond.  That is the Logos, the Divine Truth, the Word made Flesh, Jesus Christ, whose glory was manifest through His Passion, Death, and Resurrection.

He is our Life, not wealth, perfect health, beauty, popularity, or any mammon.  Happy Easter.