Sunday, July 31, 2022

Francis Sucker Punched Me in the Gut Tonight

I love the True and the Good.  When I contemplate those transcendentals, in my intellect, there is an involuntary, automatic emotional response of joy and gladness.  

Conversely, when I encounter Lies and Evil in all the dirty, gritty details of my waking day, there is an involuntary, automatic emotional response of sorrow and anger.  

Righteous anger being from God.  And, blessed are those who mourn, ie have sorrow over the loss of what is good, or over violent attacks of the good. 

Trads aren’t perfect, but per the saying, don’t let the perfect get in the way of the good.  But according to the man believed to be sitting on the Chair of St. Peter, in his airplane interview coming back from Canada actively participating sacrilegiously in pagan rituals, we are NOT good. 

He says Catholics “who call themselves traditional,” who cling to the past, are not following God.  We are “rootless.”   

This dude has sucker punched me/us so many times since 2013 with his anti-traditionalist vitriol that I’ve literally had nightmares of this man showing up in my living room to spiritually shame rape me for hating ecclesial modernism, and instead upholding Catholic Tradition.

As every Catholic is required to do.

He also says pope’s resigning is normal, which is absurd, but that he might resign.  Part of me will roast a suckling pig in my front yard in celebration if that happens.  Then again, Christ got sucker punched.  We’re used to it.  

So bring it on Modernist Bergoglio.  You sucker punch me in my stomach, I endure some GI discomfort, and have a few neurons traumatized, but whatever, all will be restored in the Resurrection, so bring it on.  

There is no way in hell you are practically speaking a Catholic in public good standing, who should be taken seriously with personal respect.  

So fine, IF it is the Traditional Catholic who will restore the Church upward until one day we have a good pope restoring it downward, the more the modernists in authority gas light us, and the more we offer it up as our Cross, the closer we all get to "restoring all things to Christ.”

Bergoglio wants to torture me for being a "Catholic who calls themselves traditional,” (you know, like Pope St. Pius X)?  Bring it on.  You can torture me to death, like Torquemada, I will always reject your Lies, and uphold the Truth. Because every Catholic is obliged to reject Lies, and uphold Truth.  Praise be to Jesus Christ.