Tuesday, June 7, 2022

How to Celebrate Overturn of R v W

It will be a glorious day.  You’ll glance down at your phone and read “Roe vs. Wade overturned.”  You’ll breath a sigh of relief and say “Thanks be to God.”  The liberals will go apoplectic with rage and violence.  Yet, how will we pro-life Christians celebrate when that announcement comes any week now?  

Front yard pig roasts?  Fireworks?  A block party with like-minded Christians?   I suspect most pro-lifers will just quietly say “yeah that’s great,” to celebrate publicly might get you in trouble with your pro-unborn-baby-dismemberment-and-then-suctioned-into-a-medical-waste-bin neighbors.  

But I say, we have to celebrate. We should be standing on our rooftops with big signs saying “Praise God.  R v W overturned.”  Prepare now how to celebrate.  Publicly, defiantly, in a triumphal  way.  It will be a victory for life, for all the unborn children in the womb.  Whose life can be protected when this goes back to the states.