Friday, May 27, 2022

Tulsa Bishop Konderla IS NOT Publicly Supporting the Pelosi Communion Ban

I've emailed him now three times asking him if he would.  Even promised to say 30 rosaries for his special intentions if he would, encouraging him to do so.  Gave an anecdote about Bishop Beltran of Tulsa back in the day going so far as excommunicating (much worse penalty) a  Catholic high school student for unrepentantly publishing a pro-abortion article in her school newspaper.

Zero response.  He's emailed me before in the past within a couple business days.  His email is on the diocesan website.  Maybe he just doesn't want to communicate with a local Catholic blogger, dedicated to the Catholic Faith in his local Church?  Don't know.  Or maybe he was busy.  Yet, no formal statement either on the Diocesan website.  Logical conclusion he is not, will not, formally support Archbishop Cordileone's public statement that the San Francisco diocese can not, will not, give Our Lord in the Eucharist to Nancy Pelosi.

I sent him this list, which was 13 bishops joining the support of the Communion ban for Pelosi, including Archbishop Coakley down the road from us in Tulsa, in Oklahoma City.  That list is now 18 bishops, yet I expect this news to fade out soon from the news cycle.   LINK


Canon law #212 gives Catholics the right to express their concerns and criticisms to their Ordinary, based in part on their own education as Catholics.  So here are my concerns, in accord with civil, canon, and divine law.  Dear Bishop:

1.  Do you believe that is is a mortal sin to promote legalized abortion as a politician, and a grave public scandal against the Faith?

2.  Are you committed to upholding the Church's perennial discipline of not giving Holy Communion to grave public sinners, who for example promote on the floors of Legislatures the legalization of bloody dismemberment of unborn babies in the womb, and then the suctioning of their remains into a medical waste bin?

3. If any Catholic politician in the Tulsa Diocese ever runs as a Democrat, and is pro-legalized-unborn-baby-murder, can we infer from your silence about Speaker Pelosi's ban (now in TWO dioceses) that you do not support such a ban?  That if she or a politician taking her anti-Life stand presented themselves in Tulsa at the cathedral for Communion, that you would yourself give her Communion?

Legitimate questions, which frankly I do not know the answer to.  It would edify us greatly if our local Shepherd would clearly confirm us in the Faith, on these critical, timely questions.  If you want to address this concern (with all due respect), here is His Excellency's public email address: