Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Another Shooting. Buy Your Guns NOW.

Edit: I wrote this post yesterday…yet another mass shooting this week (as predicted), this time in Tulsa.

There was Buffalo, some other place, plus one in WA state.  Then last week the massacre of innocents in TX (police should do prison time, hard labor).  Last Sunday it was in Taft, OK. Tonight it was in Charleston.  These mass shootings the last WEEKS are getting too many to count.  The frequency in such a short period of time is not a coincidence.  Let's put it this way, I predict another mass shooting by the end of this week.  Oh and a 10 year old boy threatened to shoot up his school the other day.  Should do jail time, hard labor, being above the age of reason.

Therefore, I conclude the government is behind some of these mass shootings as false flag operations.  To ban guns.  To better control us when the SHTF (aka WW3, economic collapse).  You heard it here first folks, from The Okie Traditionalist.  Yes sir.

Time to go out NOW and get those guns you've been saving for, especially the kind that will prevent a gang from entering your house for your food, murdering your family.  Buy from friends.