Sunday, April 17, 2022

The War. A Test of Faith in the Catholic Church vs. the “Conciliar Church” of Modernism

The Conciliar Church presumes on God’s mercy and ignores His justice, which is why Francis is preaching pacifism while simultaneously supporting the NATO-fied, NWO Zelensky regime which waged civil war against pro-Russia, ethnically Russian Ukrainians these last 8 years, committing true genocide.  

The Catholic Church, on the other hand, preaches just war, the right to defend yourself and your heritage, to protect your borders, and to oppose the culture war of the Radical Left enabled by the Conciliar Church trying to turn your country into another degenerate cesspool of social chaos. 

The Conciliar Church modernists ignored Our Lady of Fatima’s peace plan, which includes conversion to modesty in dress, popular devotion to the scapular and first Saturdays, the release of the full 3rd secret, not to mention a properly worded consecration that “sets apart” Russia by name for blessing.  

The conciliarists are duping people into thinking there will be no world war or economic crisis simply because Francis made a consecration which included mention of Russia and Ukraine, while condemning collective “sins” such as environmental abuse and stockpiling weapons, instead of echoing Our Lady’s call for individual conversion.

The Catholic Church in contrast promotes all of these specific criteria for the faithful to promote and practice to achieve that foretold period of peace, while knowing that Our Lady foretold there will be a 3rd world war that is nuclear, during which time the conditions, including a full consecration, will then take place. 

The Conciliar Church is so aligned with the western New World Order, the Illuminati, and Masonry, that practically they are all one geopolitical, quasi-religious reality, wanting to dominate all of Europe, including Russia and Eastern Europe, with liberal values and the force of NATO.  

To achieve in the fullest harmony a complete unity of all Catholics under the umbrella of modernism, and the unity of all nations and religions as equal in the eyes of Man.

The Catholic Church rather rejects the Conciliar Church and their modernist version of Catholicism, and the sinister union of the western deep state with the deep church, defending the corrupt Ukrainian regime created by a nation-building, quasi-democratic Coup.   

The true Church upholds the Catholic Tradition of the Latin church, promotes Catholic Tradition of the East (all authentic Eastern Orthodox Tradition coming from the Eastern Catholic Church).  It has more real unity with the Russian Orthodux Church and Moscow than with modernist Rome currently compromised by NWO conciliarists.

In conclusion, this War is a test.  The lines are more clearly drawn in the sand.  You have a choice.  Choose to support the false Conciliar Church founded by modernists at Vatican II (and before), including its collusion right now with NATO, the EU, the UN, and American leftist elites in waging war as the true aggressors with Russia, by means of the Military Industrial Conplex and severe sanctions, plunging us all into world war and famine. 

Or embrace the true Catholic Church founded by Christ, oppose this War of the New World Order/Conciliar Church fighting the East’s national sovereignty and resistance to western decadence.  

And read Archbishop Vigano’s declaration on the War, the very best explanation so far, explaining the unholy crusade for decades by NATO spreading east to the borders of Russia.  To be Catholic is to oppose the ungodly, anti-Christ western axis in this War, and to at least sympathize with the cultural fight of Russia and pro-Russian culture still present throughout Eastern Europe.  They have every right to defend their faith, morals, values, and culture, as well as sovereignty, from liberal forces trying to destroy their Christian heritage and to suck dry all the oil and natural gas from their land to maintain our western decadence. 

Blessed Easter to you and yours.  Our Lady of Fatima, ora pro nobis.