What a relief. Tulsa no longer requires The Mask, as of the last week or so. Truth is we deserved it. The penance of having to put that on your face at work, Walmart, or wherever the Mask police enforced it. And the penance of being forced by a now Communist Banana Republic.
And a small penance for tolerating 100,000,000 surgical abortions since RvW, not to mention all the chemical abortions from the Pill. Or every other decadence we have allowed to normalize these last 50 years.
Seems to me.
A foreshadow of larger penances to come? I have not yet been divinely gifted with powers of prognostication and prophesy, but my intuition tells me, especially since the Radical Left has now officially usurped the Federal Government, that we’re going through a great chastisement that’s going to get worse.
Whether it’s skyrocketing prices for gas and groceries, most employers forcing the vaccine to keep your job, or the good Lord knows what.
That said, God is also merciful and even, according to private revelation, gives the Poor Souls in Purgatory a relief now and then. So I’m takin’ this little break from all things Coooovid to breath, smile at strangers, and feel the normalcy that the Powers-that-Be took from us the last year.