Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Fellow Okie Catholic Blogger Ted King

I want to introduce readers to Ted King, a local Okie Catholic who devoted several years to full-time fundraising for Clear Creek Abbey, now writing the authoritative book on its history.  

Ted is a devout Catholic who, besides his 9-5 job, writes as a reporter and journalist for a number of local newspapers and journals.  He has extensive experience working in Republican government positions, and engaging in local political action especially at the State of Oklahoma level.  

Like myself, he is a social and political conservative.  

Recently he invited me to a social club he founded 5 years ago of men and women, getting together once a month for dinner, to talk conservative politics, and support those restaurants resisting Big Brother by still allowing smoking (which they do).  So I went and introduced myself to the group the other night over steak, cigars, and talks about the election.   

And Ted was, I think, pleasantly surprised to discover the anonymous blogger he invited, little ole me, was an acquaintance in the wider Catholic community these last decades.  He writes a local blog related to Tulsa and surrounding area politics, that reflects his whimsical and inquisitive personality.  I give you, Ted King.

Tulsa Metro News

The War on Smokers and the Rise of the Nanny State, By Ted King