Wednesday, January 23, 2019

My Conclusion: Diocesan Bishop Joins the SSPX

The blogosphere today is abuzz about this story.  With papal approval, a Diocesan bishop in Europe is retiring to live in an SSPX school.

People are speculating why.  Fr Z is unsure, while discussing tangents.  

Let’s use some deductive logic and premises. 

He’s not moving in because it would be a nice place to retire. 

And it’s not to work as Vatican diplomat to reconcile the SSPX to Rome.  At least as his main reason. 

He believes the work of the priests there is canonically legitimate. 

He at least in great part values the Latin Mass and theological positions of the SSPX. 

He has papal approval. 

The Society now has partial jurisdiction for confession and marriage. 

But according to Rome, it still lacks full canonical status. 


If these points are true, then this Bishop is joining the work of the SSPX. 

He is going to do what bishops do and ordain and confirm. 
He is basically a traditionalist, at least now coming to Tradition. 
His mission in the SSPX will soon be publicly explained and celebrated 
by the SSPX. 

But it’s a new paradigm. Francis approves. 
The trad world is shifting with the erosion of what power the Motu Proprio still practically has in the Church.  And with the dismantling of Ecclesia Dei. 

Conclusion:  this Bishop is joining the work of the SSPX, is a traditionalist, but his role involves a canonical recognition of the SSPX in the foreseeable future. 

My Thoughts:

To my mind, that is how the facts play out.  But personally I have varying opinions if my deductive conclusions are right.  

Anything from Francis-Bergoglio is suspect. So I’m not sure if he had any planned diplomatic role if that is a good thing right now in the current situation in the Church.

On the other hand, this would mean one more Diocesan bishop returning to Tradition.  It would confirm again the trend of conciliar clergy turning back to the ancient and venerable, to the perennial and ever fruitful.  It would be something to really celebrate.

Ok my work break is over. Gotta get back to work. Tonight I make pork rind nachos grande.