Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Okie Trad: Solution to the Clerical Sex Abuse Crisis. Bypass the Ecclesial Authority, go to the Civil Authority

Okay.  The train wreck is occuring daily before our eyes.  Sides are being taken.  But even the conservatives in the Church have little power to affect reform at the universal level, vs. the progressivist stronghold over the Vatican and current pontificate.

Yet, while the Catholic Church has always taught that Her spiritual authority is greater than that of civil government, She has also always taught that the Church in Her temporal power and material place in the world is in fact subject to civil law and authority.

And each state's Attorney General, the Department of Justice, and the World court does have civil authority.

Therefore, it seems like a straight-forward fact that ending this network of clerical child molesters, and the Hierarchy's cover-up of their rot on human, global society will depend primarily on legal action by state, federal, and international governing bodies.

Let the United Nations and the US DOJ lead the charge, with the strictist and most aggressive judicial action and punishment.  Investigate Francis and the Vatican.  If the reports are found credible, convene national and international hearings.  Give the accused party chance to defend himself.

The same course of action would be warranted for any other international corporate organization, holding the highest authorities personally and legally responsible.

And if found guilty, give the strictist punishment and sanctions to protect the thousands of children that continue to be molested by Catholic priests.  

If Francis is found guilty of covering up child sex abuse, international government and/or national governments have the authority to imprison him.

In conclusion, the conservative Prelates should take the case to the Civil Authority, and bypass the corrupt Powers that Be.   Decades of cover-up prove that handling the crisis internally is fruitless.

Submit to God-given temporal authority, if you really want the world to submit to the spiritual authority of the Church.