Every person is an onion. You really have to peel back the layers before you can even begin to understand them. Their temperament, personality, personal life.
In short, we need real personal connections with eachother. I think the final nail on the coffin of human relations, replaced by transhumanistic, existential absurdity, was the advent of social media and the smartphone.
Case in point. I sat in the cafeteria for lunch today where I work. I made eye contact and said hello to the people around me. And after eating my lunch, I just sat back and watched the crowded room of people. Most of the people were spending the majority of the time looking at their smartphone screen. I don't expect a congress of philosophical discourse, but every social interaction in the room was at best shallow and artificial.
My dog Peanut. Loyal, obsessively attached to me wherever I go, giving me deep, longing looks every day, locking eyes with me, conveying genuine love. Her will is not free, but she has a will, and ironically this little mortal animal is more genuine and caring than 95% of Homo sapiens I encounter in the mainstream.
I remain mystified and detached. I continue to work hard and progress. But only the likes of poetry, music, whiskey, and sitting in front of a fire can give clarity and perspective about the wasteland.
Can you relate?