After a long, valley of tears. After a long series of crosses and mystifying sorrows. For some, after a good spell being purged by fire in purgatory--if we're blessed to die in God's grace. When all the suffering this side of heaven seems unending.
Think of all your ailments, failures, rejections, hardships, and dark periods. Think of all the inconveniences, aches and pains, sleeping troubles, depressed periods, loneliness, etc, etc. Think of the eternal relief and reward that awaits us.

The Valley of Tears, bu Gustav Dore
I'd like to think our first day of heaven will be like a marathon runner crossing the finish line, being brought refreshments, as a reward for being dehydrated, hungry, and tired. After all, that initial reward and relief is something the runner aims at in finishing the race.
Perhaps that first day of relief will be different for everyone. For a poor, deaf and mute, blind, quadraplegic (I imagine there is someone out there so afflicted), that first day through the pearly gates, they will get to run through wide fields of fresh grass, hearing symphonies, and viewing majestic panoramas, while speaking with the angels.

For me I would like to think on my first day in heaven, I will be surrounded with family and friends who have passed on and made it to heaven, to really have long talks and to laugh. It would be splendid to have a long, blissful sleep, and to awaken refreshed like I use to as a child. I would love to experience perfect mental and emotional clarity. I would also love if I can practice any of those talents and gifts God gave me in this life that circumstances have not allowed me to fully express. It would be awesome to experience what it would be like to be a surgeon.

Then again, our first day in heaven may be angelic simplicity gazing on the Beatific Vision. God knows. But looking forward to that first day in heaven is one thought that keeps me moving forward in this marathon of life.
What do you think your first day in heaven might look like? The Comment box is open!